
Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Memasang Jam di dalam Blogger

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Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Belajar Relative Pronoun

Pronouns (Kata Ganti) adalah kata yang menggantikan kata benda (nouns).
Pembagian Pronouns :
1. Personal Pronouns
2. Demonstrative Pronouns
3. Possessive Pronouns
4. Interrogative Pronouns
5. Relative Pronouns
6. Indefinite Pronouns
7. Reflexive Pronouns
8. Intensive Pronouns
9. Reciprocal Pronouns
Di kesempatan kita kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang pronoun yang ke lima yaitu Relative Pronoun
Selamat Membaca !!!


Relative Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Penghubung ) digunakan untuk menggabungkan Induk Kalimat dan Anak Kalimat yang sama subyek maupun obyeknya. Sebagaimana kita tahu bahwa dalam Bahasa Inggris tidak ada satu kata khusus yang dapat di gunakan sebagai kata penghubung dengan arti yang dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Maka dalam hal ini kita akan menggunakan kata – kata : who, whom, whose, which, that sebagai kata ganti penghubung ( = Yang )

Misalnya saja kita ingin mengatakan :
Anak wanita yang datang ke rumah mu tadi malam adalah adiknya Jhon.
( The girl who came to your house last night is Jhon’s sister )

Kalau kalimat ini kita jadikan 2 kalimat akan menjadi :
The girl is jhon’s sister
The girl came to your house last night. ( Anak Kalimat )

Relatitive Pronoun terdiri dari 2 Jenis Yaitu :
1. Defining Relative : Hanya menjelaskan terbatas kepasa Subyek dan ditulis tanpa tanda koma.
The boy who broke the school-window is Tom.
2. Non Defining Relative : Menjelaskan tidak terbatas hanya kepada Subyek tetapi ada suatu keterangan lebih lanjut tentang Subyek itu sendiri dan ditulis dengan tanda koma.
Tom, who is naughty boy, broke the school-window

Penggunaan Relative Pronoun
1. Who / What digunakan untuk orang sebagai subject.
• The man is My father. The man helped you yesterday.
The man who helped you yesterday is My father.
• I Have met the man. The man writes this book.
I have meet the man who writes this book.
• Do you know the boy ? The boy bought my bicycle.
Do you know the boy who bought my bicycle.
• Susanti works for garuda. Susanti is an air hostess.
Susanti, who work for garuda, is an air hostess.
• My Uncle is nearly fifty. He still plays badminton.
My uncle, who is nearly fifty, still plays badminton.

Note : That dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan who, whom, which.

2. Whom / That digunakan untuk orang sebagai Object.
• The man is my father. You helped the man yesterday.
The man whom you helped yesterday is my father.
• The girl is Jhon’s sister. You spoke to the girl on the phone last night.
The girl whom you spoke to on the phone last night is Jhon’s sister
• The teacher is Mr. Winata. You studied English with him last year
The teacher whom you studied english with last year is Mr. Winata
• The girl is Marry. You received a letter from her yesterday
The girl whom you recevived a letter from yesterday is Marry
• Yesterday I saw your friend. I first met him at the party last month
Yesterday I saw your friend whom I first me at the party las month

Note : Whom dalam percakapan sering di hilangkan kemungkinan lain untuk contoh ke 2, 3, dan 4 ialah :
The girl to whom you spoke on the phone last night is Jhon’s sister.
The teacher with whom you studied english last year is Mr. Winata.
The girl form whom you received a letter yesterday is Marry.

3. Which / That digunakan untuk benda sebagai subject maupun object
• we are waiting for the bus. The bus goes to bogor.
We are waiting for the bus that goes to bogor.
• He work for a company. The company sells second-hand ear.
He work for a company which sells secand hand ear.
• The letter is in the drawer. The letter came from Jhon.
The letter that came form Jhon is in the drawer.
• The bag is full of money. I found the bag on the bus this morning.
The bag which I found on the bus this morning is full of money.
• The film was not good. We saw the film at Roy theater last night.
The film that we saw at Roy theater last night was not good.

Note : which / that sebagai pokok anak kalimat ( lihat contoh 1, 2 dan 3 ) tidak dihalangkan, tetapi bila sebagai obyek ( contoh 4, 5 ) sering dihilangkan dalam percakapan.

4. Whose digunakan untuk orang yang memiliki
• The lady is my negihbour. Her child is in hospital now.
The Lady whose child is in hospital now is my neighbour.
• The man is very proud. His son is a pilot.
The man whose son is a pilot is very proud.
• Our new english teacher is an America. His name is Tom Grey.
Our new english teacher whose name is Tom Grey is an America.
• Do you know the boy ? his moto-car is damage.
Do you know the boy whose motor-car is damage ?

Note : Whose dalam percakapan tidak dihilangkan. Kata – kata Where (=dimana ) dan When (= Ketika ) dapat di gunakan sebagai Relative Pronoun untuk menggantikan keterangan tempat dan keterangan waktu.
• That is the office. My ucle work is that office.
This is the office where my uncles works in
• This is the street. Mary lives on this street.
This is the street where Marry lives on
• Pelase tell me the bank. Jhon works in that bank.
Please teel me the bank where jhon work in
• I have forgotten the day. She left for abroad on that day.
I have forgotten the day when she left for abroad.
• Do you still remember that day ? we went for a picnic on that day.
Do you still remember that day when we went for a picnic.

Note : Dalam percakapan Where dan When boleh di hilangkan.

The End

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